The new norm: …a magic Christmas tree!


It is approaching Christmas, and Evelyn and I contemplated going to the forest on what had become an annual/ritual trip to cut a Christmas tree for our home. We debated, hemmed and hawed and finally decided to purchase an artificial tree. We thought it may be more practical in the future and this is another norm we may adjust to during this COVID pandemic.

When Evelyn finally drove up the driveway with the “tree” I went and gathered the cardboard box (as opposed to dragging, measuring and attaching a stand to a real tree) and brought it into the house. The boxed tree fit through the front doorway without leaving needles all over the carpet or pulling at the living room window curtains. Might be some magic here.

I started to assemble the “tree” after reading the instructions. Insert the middle portion into the lower portion and the upper portion into the middle portion and keeping the arrows aligned insert the assembly into the fourlegged folding base. Simple enough.

I got that much done when Duke Marie our rescued min-pin dog approached the tree with part of his ruff on his neck standing up. He cautiously approached and sniffed its trunk base, perhaps to see if the tree had been used as a hydrant in the wilds. He looked back at me and sauntered to the couch to his perch and blanket. I thought of his action, went to the “tree” and inhaled to smell its worth. Nothing…then I had an idea! I raced to the bathroom and gathered from below the sink the aerosol can of “Pine Bouquet.” That sounds nice… pine bouquet!

I approached the “tree” and with a finger on the button I pressed it and gave a short PSSSST. I paused a moment, inhaled through my nose, and smiled.

I like it.

It smelled of more pure pine here on this artificial tree than it did in the bathroom last week. It must be a magic Christmas tree.

As decorations and ornaments were slowly placed on the plastic branches, and memories of each was discussed, a warm feeling started to return that I had felt with a real tree in other years. It must be a magic Christmas tree.

I stood back and looked at this what may be a new norm for us and said to myself… “It’s” not so bad. I can probably get used to it.”

Then I looked at the angel ornament atop the tree looking down on us and remembered the gift from heaven that promises we will be fine and thought… this is a magic Christmas tree!