40th Annual Quadrathlon is looking for Volunteers

  • 40th Annual Quadrathlon is looking for Volunteers
    40th Annual Quadrathlon is looking for Volunteers

The 40th annual Mount Taylor Quadrathlon is quickly approaching. On February 18, the winter race will commence with athletes from across the United States ready to make their way up Mt. Taylor.

To make the race run smoothly, volunteers are needed to assist those making the round-trip event. Youths aged seven to eighteen can volunteer with a parent or guardian present, and it was stated at the meeting those in leadership roles for the Winter Quadrathlon started as volunteers. This is an all-day event with unpredictable temperatures and weather, so it was advised volunteers dress appropriately. The importance of proper attire was stressed, “Hats, gloves, and proper footwear are important, and people should dress in layers to adjust for weather throughout the day. Although we try to feed volunteers, they should also bring snacks.”

It was stated that volunteers fill numerous roles, but the most important are those assisting the athletes. The race starts at 8 am with bicycles for a 13-mile ride. When the racers approach their number is called out and find the properly numbered bag for exchange. Each station, bike, run, ski, and snowshoe will repeat the process and prepare for the return trip to reverse the process.

Volunteers will also pick up trash, set up and take down marker poles, and other jobs to ensure the areas are left clean. When asked how many volunteers are needed it was stated “there really cannot be enough. Sometimes we have a handful, or we can have 100-150.”

Mt. Taylor Quad Kids is a great way for local schools to get youth interested in the Mt. Taylor Quad. It was mentioned at the meeting and is on the Mt. Taylor Quadrathlon Facebook page, every GCCS Elementary School that has 20 or more students who participate in the kid’s race, the Mt. Taylor Quad will donate a worth of one hundred dollars of books to their school. Sign-up for children will be Friday, February 17, from 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the Old County Building 515 W. High Street. The cost is $10 dollars per child.

It was said there is something for everyone. To volunteer visit their Facebook page at https:///www.facebook.co m/MtTaylorQuad, email at mttaylorquadrathlon@ gamil.co m, or call (505) 287-4802.