Cibola County Commissioners Meeting


GRANTS, N.M. – The meeting on February 23 started with citizen comments. A resident of Cibola County brought attention to an issue concerning a nuisance business filled with unsightly junk and clutter. Although there are ordinances in place for keeping properties clean, there may be a need for developing an approach to tackle the problems brought to light concerning problem properties.

County Manager Kate Fletcher went on to talk about improving the County Complex and hospital parking lot. “We are waiting for the weather to improve and contacting the hospital and Smith’s to set a time.”

Numerous considerations and resolutions were approved, but the biggest was Resolution 2023 -19 In Opposition to Legislative Restricting Counties from Contracting with Private Correctional Facilities. This resolution was approved by the commission with applause from the public in attendance. This piece of legislation would place hardships on small counties that do not have their own detention centers. The cost of housing detainees is already high, and this would make the cost, among other issues, prohibitive.

The Moquino bridge project experienced problems during the second bore to determine the stability of soil under the future bridge’s location, and it has been determined the bridge will need to be extended an additional 10ft making the total span 80 feet. The issue with the second core sample has prolonged the process because it is a step that must be completed.