

Dear editor,

Owner Members of CDEC:

Family, Friends, Neighbors, the Co-Op Board of Directors Election is over and where 2nd place comes with no bells and whistles, it does have merit in the interest one stands for in the community. To the members who made it to the ballot box and the members with good intentions, I would like to express my appreciation for your vote of confidence. I would also like to recognize KMIN for their excellent coverage of the entire event.

We The Owner/Members of the Electric Co-op need to take back our non-profit electric cooperative by installing Term Limits on its board members through our Bylaws. I requested the question be placed on the ballot of an annual meeting and was denied. The Members made up by the People Own CDEC, not the board. The Board which has managed to remain in office by manipulating the three percent quorum reminds me of an old English proverb: Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Thank You

Ruben Sandoval