Disappointing county commission decision


Dear Editor;

On December 22, 2020 I watched the Cibola County Commission meeting on Zoom. I was really disappointed with the county commissioners that voted to give themselves a raise and other elected officials. The only person that stood up for his convictions was commissioner Lucero and I truly appreciate his stance. The rest of you forgot about the state we are in with people not having enough to eat (having to depend on the panty), not being able to pay their mortgages, or their utility bills. I, as a Republican, am totally disappointed in commissioner Windhorst who is always writing letters to the editor stating how much he appreciates the people from Cibola county etc. He also blamed elected officials for the closure ofTri State and how it affected the people of Cibola County. Yet when it came to giving himself a higher salary, he was the first to make a motion for a pay raise and forgot about the people of Cibola County. Just by the look on his face it appeared that he did not pay attention to one word that Commissioner Lucero said about the raises.

I fmally realized that Commissioners Windhorst, Torrez, and Garcia voted for the raise because they cannot run again for the commission seat, they have termed out, so they do not face any repercussions, unless they run for another elected position. If they do I hope people will remember the way, they voted to take care of themselves without concern for the people that are suffering in this county. As for Commissioner Lowery I hope the people from her district remember her vote if she runs for reelection.

As for Commissioner Lucero I again thank again for your vote and standing up for your constituents and I hope that you run for reelection.

In closing I would like for all Cibola County citizens that feel like I do to call, text or e-mail Commissioner Lucero (his number is in this newspaper) and thank him for his stance and support of the citizens ofCibola County.


Michael Hawkins