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Beauty Standards

“No matter how plain a woman may be, if truth and honesty are written across her face, she will be beautiful.” - Eleanor Roosevelt

Throughout history, beauty standards were much different from todays. There was a time when the women were proud of their modesty. They would wear a veil over their hair, their neckline would be closer to the neck, and their dresses were long. Other times the women were expected to be slim and flawless. And sometimes the standards were to be thick. But what was more important, was the way they acted.

Now, beauty standards are being spread online and in schools with criticism. It’s at its worst during middle school and high school. Some are not suitable for this article, but a few that are is “You’re fat.” “You’re ugly.” “Your hair is ridiculous.” “Your clothes are childish.” Teenagers and adults are being expected to meet new beauty standards that are either unrealistic or bad for your health.

And it definitely doesn’t help that online almost everyone edits their photos or photoshop their pictures to meet their beauty standards. It ends up causing people to think that is the way those people actually look. They begin to wish they look like them and try too. People can get surgeries, go on diets, or do so many other things to change the way they look now. Doing those things can have side effects or have some kind of other risks. Instead of risking your health or anything else, you should just try to except how you look. Let go of those expectations and be fine with who you are and how you look.

I’ve honestly never really cared about my appearance. I don’t keep up with fashion trends, or new hairstyles, I don’t wear makeup, and I prefer to only wear only dark colors. Criticism is to be expected, not everyone likes my fashion choices, but I do and that’s what matters.

True beauty comes from the inside not the outside. Your attitude makes all the difference.

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.” - Coco Chanel