How could they not care?- Part two


Animals left to die behind Walmart.

Last week we told you about two beautiful dogs left to starve and die from lack of food and water behind Walmart. We told you about the people of Grants/Milan bringing food and water each day to save them. Well, here is the rest of the story.

The Grants Animal Care center wanted to save them, but they were on private Walmart property. That didn't bother Walmart.

First, Brooke of Walmart connected the care center with the Walmart managers to get things rolling. The amazing employees of Walmart came to the rescue. Anesthesia, the CSM of Walmart gave permission for the Animal Care Center to put out baited enclosures to capture these two dogs. Selustriano is the loss prevention employee at Walmart. He took charge of ensuring that any food left the previous night was removed so the dogs would be attracted to the capture cages. The Animal Care center set the traps. The dogs went for the bait and the trap was successful.

The following morning the animal control officers swooped in, collected the enclosures, and took them to the care center. The dogs appear to be a mix breed of Australian Shepherd and were mostly grown and beautiful. After being taken to the Care Center and fully checked out for health issues, it was found that because of the love and generosity of the Walmart shoppers they were in very good physical condition. As a matter of fact, for abandoned animals they were in amazing condition. It gets even better.

There is an organization from Colorado that specializes in dogs like these.

The care center contacted this organization. This organization sent a transport van to the care center, took the dogs to Colorado and then placed them for adoption with local residents.

This story shows that when both local citizens and business entities like Walmart work together, we build a much better and stronger community for both ourselves and future generations. Please be sure you get your animals spayed and neutered as a matter of principal. And if the feeling saddens you, visit the beautiful Grants Animal Care Center managed by Ms. Cheri located at 722 Sakelares Blvd. Or call the Center at 505-285-4012. They have a beautiful assortment of loving animals, both cats and dogs, wishing they had a home with loving owners like you.