Letters to the Editor . . .


Easter Supplanted: REALLY?

In response to Raymond C. Jenkins’ letter to the editor in the April 3, 2024, edition of the Cibola Citizen, please allow me to correct and clarify a few of his points.

Mr. Jenkins falsely claimed that President Biden proclaimed, “a competing event” (The Transgender Day of Visibility), on March 31st. In reality, the Transgender Day of Visibility has been observed every March 31st for fifteen years. The fact that Easter occurred on the same day as the Transgender Day of Visibility this year was only an eventuality, since Easter falls on different days every year, due to its timing being based on the Lunar month, while the “competing event” falls on the same calendar day every year. The two events will not happen on the same day for a long time.

Mr. Jenkins also erroneously stated that the current White House “denigrated” Easter by prohibiting religious-themed artwork on the eggs. The rules against religious themes on the eggs used in the annual White House Egg Roll have been in effect for 45 years, starting during the Carter Administration, instituted by the American Egg Board. These rules were instated to make the White House Egg Roll open children to all faiths and beliefs, as well as to not violate the Establishment Clause of the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which provides for the separation of church and state. These rules have been in effect during the administrations of Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and finally President Biden, with none of those presidents, whether Democrat or Republican, changing or amending those rules.

In conclusion, Mr. Jenkins’ anger and indignation were not only misplaced, but unjustified. Both events can take the same date, without one adversely affecting the other. To insist that the Transgender Day of Visibility somehow diminishes the importance of a religious holiday like Easter, only shows that the person assuming so has a weak, fragile faith in a frail, easily damaged god, and their outrage isn’t rooted in righteous anger, but in the fearful, paranoid view that Transgender people, like others in the LGBTQ spectrum of communities should stay closeted and invisible. Some people just like the attention it brings during the holiday season, when they insist that there is some sort of insidious “War on Christmas” or the myriad of other religious holidays, when that “war” is self-inflicted, and in the end, a non-event.

Do better. Tim Tobias


Dear editor, I was confused by Mr. Jenkins’s Letter to the Editor of April 3, 2024. He wrote that our President ignored Easter, prohibited religious themed artwork, and had a proclamation of a secular event. How shameful!! But now let us look at the truth.

The President did not ignore Easter. He issued an Easter statement. The following is his message.

Jill and I send our warmest wishes to Christians around the world celebrating Easter Sunday. Easter reminds us of the power of hope and the promise of Christ’s Resurrection.

“As we gather with loved ones, we remember Jesus’ sacrifice. We pray for one another and cherish the blessing of the dawn of new possibilities. And with wars and conflict taking a toll on innocent lives around the world, we renew our commitment to work for peace, security, and dignity for all people.

“From our family to yours, happy Easter and may God bless you.”

A restriction on religious- themed eggs for the White House’s Easter egg design contest follows federal guidelines that predate Biden’s presidency. For the past 45 plus years all the Presidents’ administrations from Ford through Biden, including Trump, have followed the guidelines for coloring Easter eggs. The American Egg Board has set rules for the White House’s Easter-related contests and events since the board was established in 1976. The board was established as a federal commodity program and must follow federal guidelines that require it to stay neutral on politics and religion — any program or activity cannot be seen as lifting one religion or set of beliefs over others.

I’m thinking Mr. Jenkins’ secular event was the International Transgender Day of Visibility which also fell on Easter this year. On the afternoon of Easter Sunday, President Biden posted on X: 'Today, on Transgender Day of Visibility, I have a simple message to all trans Americans: I see you. You are made in the image of God, and you're worthy of respect and dignity.' I’m guessing he was upset about Biden acknowledging that. My suggestion to Mr. Jenkins is to read and take Luke 6:37 to heart.

In the future, it would be appreciated if Mr. Jenkins fact checked and corrected his misinformation prior to spreading it.

Richard Smith

Infrastructure in Grants

Dear editor, It would be very hard not to notice all the infrastructure projects going on within the City of Grants! We have had some complaints about the constant construction, but for the most part residents have expressed gratitude to the City Council for moving forward to replace our bridges and aged water and sewer lines. The city has repaved a number of streets and will continue to do so. These improvements have been largely ignored for over forty years because of the huge cost to upgrade and rebuild them.

The covered arena at the City of Grants Rodeo Grounds is moving forward and when it is finished, we will have an attractive venue that will bring in many rodeo events for another 100 years!

When I became the Code Enforcer for the City of Grants over nine years ago, I told everyone that the goal is for Grants to become the cleanest City in New Mexico. Because our residents have gotten on board with this goal, the City of Grants is seeing economic growth come into our area. We have had new businesses come into our city, such as Walgreens, Tractor Supply, Dairy Queen, Delta Tire. We have seen millions of dollars come into our area with the remodeling to the Grants, Sunray, Lobo Canyon Apartments, and Mesa Vista Apartments! We have had contractors purchase and remodel the condos on Sage Street that sat idle for years. The Bright Green Corporation has rebuilt their property next to the City's Golf Course by replacing windows, lots of cleanup, new security fences and lighting, costing over $23 million dollars! We have been advised that the Bright Green Board of Directors have decided to build their lab and manufacturing plant in Grants! They previously planned on building them in Albuquerque! We have had many other businesses start up and are flourishing!

Cleaner cities are safer cities! As we continue to show our pride in Grants by keeping our yards and businesses clean, we will see economic growth that will benefit everyone with jobs and opportunities! I am excited for the future!

Robert S. Windhorst, Code Enforcement Officer, City of Grants