State of Affairs


Justice, and Why it Matters Today

  • State of Affairs
    State of Affairs

If someone breaks New Mexico state law they should be held accountable. Fortunately, we live in a society that believes in justice. Those who violate the law deserve to be held accountable to the law. In many decisions made by the justice system, someone might say, “Well that’s not fair!” and I say, “It’s called the justice system – not the fairness system.”

American society works and has progressed to the point it has because we are a society that is guided by rules. We live in a free society – a free society that has guardrails. You are free to enjoy a walk in the park; you are not free to murder someone in the park. If you violate the law – the guardrails of our society – you should be held accountable.

Post-World War II, the globe agreed. In the Geneva Conventions, our global leaders decided to draft agreements that would govern the way war works – the way that nations could conduct warfare. This was done in such a way that innocent people are not caught in the crossfire and, even if war does break out, innocent people are protected.

A society where people are free must have guardrails – the law – to ensure that one person’s freedom does not infringe on another person’s freedom. The law is not always fair, but it is just.

We need justice. With justice we are able to solve conflict in a civil manner. Not everyone has to agree with how justice plays out; the decision of the justice system does not need to be fair or equal, but it does need to solve conflict without creating violence in the process.

On March 17, 2023, the International Criminal Court in the Hauge, Netherlands – a criminal court that civilly handles disputes between nations so as to prevent them from going to war, issued a historic arrest warrant. They filed an arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin, President (more like dictator) of the Russian Federation, for crimes against humanity. Crimes wherein Putin directly ordered the destruction of Ukrainian cultural and heritage sites, the kidnapping of children from occupied territories, the slaughter of innocent civilians, and the destruction of critical infrastructure like gas, electricity, and water during the coldest times of the year in Ukraine. This is the definition of cultural genocide.

“But the US…” No. Don’t bring that argument. With a “But the US…” argument, all you are doing is diminishing the severity of the crimes being actively carried out by the Putin regime. The US has done some terrible things, and this country has a long way to account for the damage we have caused, but we are not actively destroying lives and tearing a free nation apart in the pursuit of colonialism and cultural erasure. Russia is doing these terrible things, and Russia must be held accountable, for, if Russia is not held accountable, a message will be sent that it is okay for other nations to spit in the face of rules, decorum, and life.

Putin and Russia must be held accountable for violating the guardrails – the laws – of international diplomacy. I shudder to live in a world where war becomes the norm. It is not the 1900s anymore. It is not the 1800s. It is not the 17, 16, 15, or any other century where war was the norm. We live in a time where culture, science, and economic prosperity should be flourishing. Putin and his Russian regime want to see this time destroyed so they can bring us back to the dark ages.

The United States is a bastion of freedom. In this nation, people are mostly free to do as they please. I thank my Lord in Heaven everyday that I was born in the United States, where our unity has secured our posterity; where our laws have worked to benefit the greater good and, even through struggle, our nation has found way to better the lives of all citizens.

Yet, there is a growing populist movement in this nation that seeks to strip the rights of LGBT, and especially women. Say what you want about the right to abortion, I don’t really care to argue this point, because my belief is that anytime an American citizen loses a right, it is a bad day. Many states are weaponizing the justice system in such a way that they turn average, freedom loving American women into criminals just because they do not want to have a child. That is sick and wrong.

These same states that weaponize the justice system cry foul when learning about the potential indictment of former President Donald Trump. The only thing I think about this is, if – that’s a big “if” – Donald Trump violated New York state law, he should be held accountable for that violation. Just as any and every violator of the law should be held accountable. This is a different situation than in states where the law is being weaponized. The statutes Trump allegedly violated have been on the books for years and were not written for or because of him. They existed before the alleged crime was committed.

This is the United States. We need to stop crying foul when we don’t like what happens to a politician. We need to stop weaponizing our justice system to strip our people’s rights. We need to support the indictment, arrest, and trial of Vladimir Putin. We need to come together like the Americans we are because nations who genuinely hate us and want to see our way of life destroyed are gathering their forces at our gates, and we are spending too much time on stuff that doesn’t matter that our enemies are growing stronger by the day. Iran, Russia, China make up the modern day Axis of Evil – An Axis of Tyrannies – and they want to hurt the US and all of its citizens. They want to hurt us and our way of life. Put your politics away and focus on what really matters. Our nation, and the future of our children and grandchildren is at stake.