Travels in Grants


Fiesta Time


Dark cold mornings-so soon! But the rabbitbrush blossoms told me that it was coming a few weeks ago, even if I wanted to ignore it. Time to winterize the house and cars. Bring out the coats and sweaters and fire wood. Take in the plants.

Watch the last flocks of birds assembling to go down South. I need something to cheer me up.

So first, a ride in the forest. The late rains discouraged the purple asters and sunflowers from reaching their usual glory. There are also signs of the bark beetle attacks on the trees. But there are still areas of magnificent reds and yellows in the autumn sunshine. Still hope for next year.

It is fiesta time, too! First, we thank Our Father for our many blessings and for the strength in dealing with our problems. Then we can behave like children again- playing games, singing, laughing, feasting and being with our neighbors, friends, and family. Lots of smiles and hugs, maybe not always sincere, but where else will your enemy pleasantly greet you with a smile and a hug. I have a good idea about our faults and sins and general foolishness. But the better I know the people, their beauty and goodness becomes more apparent. They superficially seem polite and in good spirits, so it's difficult to see the crosses they're carrying. The man helping his wife with dementia. The woman nursing her sick husband until the end. The grandparents raising a grandchild. The single mother working through Covid to pay the bills. The old woman with a cart full of groceries to prepare a favorite meal for her visiting children, in spite of severe arthritic pain. The middleaged man disillusioned with politics and the economy and hoping for a better world for his family. Some hard-working politicians who actually want to help the community. The neighbor bringing over some homemade food for someone sick or grieving. The first responders who but their life on the line, often without any gratitude. These are a few of the reasons I find it so easy to love these people.

It's also a time to prepare for winter stories. The elders tell the children about their culture, their ancestors, especially the heroes and how they handled sadness and fear. Children must be taught the importance of honoring their family, their beliefs and themselves, so they can live in beauty and peace.

Today's lesson: Each season teaches us. And there is an appointed time for everything ... under the heavens.