Water is Life


Dear Editor:

We are all concerned about water in this time of drought, and many of us with yards want to at least keep the trees and shrubs there alive. When it does rain, water can be collected from roofs with "barrels" as simple as garbage containers from Wal Mart or Diamond G. If it is hard to carry in buckets out to plantings, a small pump can start the siphoning process into a hose. When we do get rain, it is sometimes in the form of a sudden, brief, downpour. Having collection barrels saves precious gallons for when it's dry. There are more involved ways to do this; cisterns with drain spigots can be purchased, or downspouts from house gutters can be extended out to garden plots instead of right next to one's foundation. We are lucky in Grants to have an artisan well, and a water table close to the surface of the ground. Water is our most valuable, sacred, and vital resource. Let's use it wisely.

Thanks for listening,

Joan Sheski