Deputy Martinez shot by local bar owner

  • Deputy Martinez is in stable condition with non-lifethreatening injuries. No charges will be brought against Jackson as Sheriff John Martinez Jr., the deputy's son, witnessed the shooting and called it an unlucky accident. Resident surgeon Dr. Skye Walker said two people won’t die on the same night during her watch. She added that the deputy is in good hands. John Q. - CC
    Deputy Martinez is in stable condition with non-lifethreatening injuries. No charges will be brought against Jackson as Sheriff John Martinez Jr., the deputy's son, witnessed the shooting and called it an unlucky accident. Resident surgeon Dr. Skye Walker said two people won’t die on the same night during her watch. She added that the deputy is in good hands. John Q. - CC

Cibola County Sheriff Deputy John Martinez Jr. has been shot by local junkyard and brewery owner Jackson Jackson. Deputy Martinez is in stable condition with non-lifethreatening injuries. No charges will be brought against Jackson as Sheriff John Martinez Jr., the deputy's son, witnessed the shooting and called it an unlucky accident, but not criminal. Both Deputy Martinez and Mr. Jackson agree with the Sheriff. The Cibola Citizen will follow this breaking story closely and keep the public updated.

If you remember Deputy Martinez was Sheriff of the year in 1996 and 1997. In 1998 he took down the Azulacata Cartel. Manuel Azulacata, the leader of the cartel, took revenge on Martinez killing his wife, and inflicting severe torture on Mr. Martinez whereas he is missing two toes on each foot and has severe emotional damage. He has almost beat the stuttering that he acquired because of the torture, but he tends to pause and look away while saying long sentences. John Martinez Jr. ran for Sheriff in 2002 and has been the incumbent every since. Mr. Martinez Sr. rejoined his son as deputy in 2010, ironically at the same time Jackson arrived.