State of Affairs


A Political Powerhouse

  • State of Affairs
    State of Affairs

This last week I had the great privilege of attending legislative committee meetings in Santa Fe. The capital is a beautiful city, ancient, and historic city. Driving to the Roundhouse – the New Mexico capitol, the building where our government is housed – you go down so much history. The roads are narrow, – I know many Cibolans who hate to travel those roads because of how small they are – remember that these roads were designed for horses, not trucks.

As I attended these committee meetings, like I’ve done every year except 2020, I always pay attention to the choreography. By paying attention to the script, the leader of the committee, and to whoever gets the privilege to speak, you can see who holds power.

Northwest New Mexico has often been relegated to the backburner. For so long our state legislature was dominated by the powers of Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and the Rio Grande Corridor. I think things are starting to change, and this is great for the future of our communities.

Power generation is a serious concern. Cibola, McKinley and San Juan counties are in the perfect position to grow and become economic stabilizers for New Mexico in a time where the future of oil money is unpredictable. I’ve written about the importance of having all the right pieces in all the right places, and how that can lead to effective change. I’ve written about how the Cibola County governments are in that position – all the right people are in all the right places. But, it’s more than just our local community.

The Northwest New Mexico Council of Governments has always been critical to our area, but now, more than ever, we need them. The leaders at NMNMCOG care deeply for the success of this region in New Mexico, and the economic future of Cibola. Our state legislators are in positions of power also. I won’t write about specifics to save time, but I think its important that we recognize the work of Rep. Harry Garcia of Cibola, Rep. Eliseo Alcon of Cibola, Rep. Patty Lundstrom of McKinley, Sen. George Munoz of McKinley, and Sen. Joshua Sanchez of Valencia. These legislators are helping to secure a strong future for our communities, the investments they are making today, like Rep. Garcia’s funding of the Grants-Milan Airport, is going to have long-ranging effects that will continue to work toward the betterment of Cibola and the northwest region of New Mexico.

This next legislative session is going to be very important for Cibola County. Hydrogen power will be vital to our communities’ successes in the future.

I have to say, it was incredible to see the delegation from Cibola County that attended the hydrogen committee meeting. Milan Mayor Felix Gonzales, Milan Trustee James Mercer, Cibola County Commissioner Ralph Lucero, Village of Milan Manager Linda Cooke, Cibola Communities Economic Development Foundation Executive Director Eileen Yarborough, and Grants MainStreet President JoAnne Martinez who also serves as the Grants-Milan Rotary President, an executive member of the Grants-Cibola County Chamber of Commerce, and is an employee of Homestake Mining Company were all present.

2023 is an important year for the future successes of Cibola County. Our leaders spent the late teens and early 20s fixing the economic situation for Cibola. The city, the village, and the whole county are ready for economic growth, this year will be pivotal in laying the groundwork for our continued success.

I’m cheering on our elected officials. “Republican”, “Democrat” those are just labels. Our local officials don’t care about the political labels and are focused on Cibola’s continued growth and success. The northwest part of New Mexico, and especially Cibola County, are on their way to be political and economic powerhouses.

Before leaving off, Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day, let’s not forget about the sacrifices that has opened the door of opportunity to all of us Americans.

God bless, Cibola. I think this community is situated in a prime position to create positive growth and change to all of New Mexico.