State of Affairs


How Can we Celebrate?

  • State of Affairs
    State of Affairs

Growing up, I had an idea of what America was.

America was a land that would always do what was right. An America that was focused on expanding the rights of the people while keeping the government in check. Both of my parents were Republican, I always had more liberal leaning senses. Sure, we would argue from time to time but it was all in the spirit of our country, because discourse is a good thing.

The America I grew up learning about – fell in love with – is one that stands strong in the face of oppression. An America that does everything it can to safeguard the rights of all people. This is a country where people could come and have the opportunity to be better – start a business, raise their families, enjoy free speech and not have to worry about political persecution. Why did I think this? Beause we went to great lengths to stop the evil regime of Hitler and the Third Reich in World War II. We handily defeated the Communists who were oppressing their people. Our country even fought a bitter and bloody civil war to give rights to Black people. We always did what was right – always.

The last two years, however, have darkened this idea of America.

The America I was born into is not the America of today. The America I was born into was one of hope, one of prosperity. A land where people worked to defend each other. It could be because I was gaining my consciousness in the throngs of the War on Terror.

You see, I don’t remember September 11, 2001. I was three years old. But I do remember the ravages of war that followed. I saw firsthand how my Marine Corps family members returned, ghosts of their former, all in the spirit of defending this country.

Their sacrifices, I was taught and fully believed, were made so that every American’s rights were protected. Lately, American rights are being attacked by our own countrymen and it feels like their sacrifices were for nothing. What is the point of defending the idea of our country and our freedom if its just going to be undermined at home – let me answer that: There is no point. We might as well throw the whole thing away if we aren’t defending the whole purpose of this country.

On June 24, 2022 the Supreme Court of the United States reversed existing precedent – even though at least one of the sitting Justices said that she would not do this during a congressional hearing, meaning that she lied – when they eliminated the decision in Roe v. Wade.

Did you know that the United States has a maternal mortality crisis? Mothers are dying because they can’t get the proper care they need for their pregnancy, and now we are condemning them to death. In instances where an abortion would save the mother, we are refusing to help the mother.

On June 30 of this year, at the end of Pride Month, the Supreme Court ruled – for the first time in its existence – that a class of people are less than others. In a sickening move SCOTUS ruled that businesses have the right to deny services to LGBTQ+ people. I cannot even begin to fathom the ramifications this is going to have. How long will it be before we see signs saying “No Gays Allowed”? Because its coming. The Supreme Court did this.

The Supreme Court is systematically stripping away rights of women and LGBTQ+ people. How long before they come after ethnic minorities?

I am proud to live in New Mexico where at least the rights of all people are being safeguarded by our governor. But the scary part is, if someone steps into power that does not support our rights, they can easily wipe away our protections with a stroke of their pen.

I am furious. This is not the America I was born into.

Slowly our independence and rights are being chipped away. If you are happy about these decisions then you are celebrating decisions that are fundamentally un-American. These are decisions being made in the Supreme Court by a woman (Amy Coney Barrett) who lied to congress about what she would do when faced with the Roe vote; and by a man (Brett Kavanaugh) who has rape allegations against him.

These two people were appointed to SCOTUS by a president who led an insurrection against the US Capitol, stole sensitive state secrets not just about the US but our allies, and allowed God only knows how many spies have access to these materials. And yet, he continues to have significant support from the Republican Party.

I am sick. This is not the American way.

How can we celebrate Independence Day when all of this is happening? I am sick.

I leave you with this poem from Martin Niemöller, a man who was targeted by the Nazis.

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

“Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

“Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

“Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”