Thanks for reading, Cibola


As we approach Thanksgiving Day, it is a time for reflection and gratitude. At the Cibola Citizen, we want to express our deep appreciation for our readers and all the wonderful people of Cibola County who make this community vibrant and unique.

Journalism has always held a crucial role in society, serving as the watchdog of democracy and the Fourth Estate. But what does this mean, and why is it so important?

The term 'Fourth Estate' refers to the media's role as a fourth branch of government, alongside the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Its power comes not from political authority or elected office but from its ability to act as a check and balance on those in power. The media serves as a guardian of truth, a spotlight on injustice, and a defender of the public's right to know.

In Cibola, the Cibola Citizen takes its responsibility as the Fourth Estate seriously. We strive to uncover the facts, hold officials accountable, and ensure that transparency and openness in government are not just ideals but realities. Our journalists work tirelessly to investigate, report, and present the information that empowers you, our readers, to make informed decisions and engage in meaningful civic participation.

In an era where misinformation and fake news can undermine trust in institutions, reliable journalism becomes even more critical. We are committed to upholding the high standards of journalistic integrity, and we value your trust in us as your source of credible, factbased information.

This Thanksgiving, we are grateful for your continued support. We understand that democracy thrives when its citizens are well-informed and engaged. Together, we can make a positive impact on our community and ensure that the principles of accountability, transparency, and openness remain at the heart of our government.

As we gather around our tables with friends and family, let's also reflect on the importance of a free and independent press in our society. Together, we can celebrate not only the blessings of the season but also the invaluable role that journalism plays in preserving and strengthening our democracy.

Thank you for being a part of the Cibola Citizen family. We wish you a joyful and gratitude-filled Thanksgiving.