Cibola County School’s Events and Successes


GRANTS N.M. – A regular school board meeting on October 18 began with Superintendent Max Perez publicly acknowledging teachers for all the hard work that they do. They then moved on to the presentations prepared for the Board. The first was 'School Site Successes'. This presentation represented several schools and began with Grants High School. The floor was given to this year's Homecoming Queen, Kylette Garcia. The Homecoming King, Mathew Valdo could not attend the meeting. Garcia highlighted some of the events that had taken place at the school for the students such as Spirit Week and the Homecoming dance. Afterwards the two were acknowledged by those present as dedicated students. The next part of the presentation was about a nationwide program called 'Evolvement' now being implemented at the high school. This program in New Mexico is being aimed at getting students to have an anti-smoking and anti-vaping mindset in order to live healthier lives. There are currently 65 students that have taken a pledge to not smoke or vape, and will participate in programmatic training. More information will be available in a future presentation.

A science teacher at the high school, Mr. Tom Pounds was selected to be in a commercial for ESPN. The commercial is called 'The Cougar That Wouldn't Quit' on YouTube. In 2003 he had an opportunity to wave a homemade Washington State University flag on a program called the College Game Day Show as a showing of school spirit. A few weeks later he was asked if he could ship the flag to another person to wave on the show again. This would happen again with another person and he again shipped the flag. From there it kept building and he decided to keep it going as best as he could. Now 20 seasons later, the Saturday before this meeting made 280 shows in a row. ESPN has recognized him in the past for this and now this past summer they contacted him to ask if he wanted to be in a commercial. He agreed to do it and they brought him to Nashville for three days. He said it was a very intense experience. Mr. Pounds has been a teacher in the science department of Grants High School for ten and a half years. The next school in the presentation was Milan Elementary. The first event talked about was the Color Fun Run used as a fundraiser to promote literacy in the school. All of the funds raised go to the Quarterly Accelerated Reader rewards. All students who reach their AR goals will get to participate. The first quarter is a pumpkin patch, the second quarter is gingerbread houses, the third quarter is a drive-in movie in the cafeteria, and the fourth quarter is a mystery reward.

The next part covered the third-grade classes getting a transportation grant from Kid's n' Parks. The requirements for this grant require teachers to provide information on how they will tie their lessons to the outdoors and they also must evaluate their trip. The third grade will take a field trip to Bluewater Lake State Park.

The next part of the presentation covered attendance gains for students who had been missing many days of school. It highlighted that the students were trying really hard to get to school every day with the incentives that the district and school has put into place for them.

The next school in the presentation was Mesa View. The school also wanted to celebrate their attendance gains they have had recently.

The last school in the presentation was Mt. Taylor. Fourth grader Emma Baca was presented and spoke to the board because of her academic achievement and good character in the classroom. She was then given recognition and congratulated for her efforts.

The next presentation was the school board training report. Superintendent Perez spoke about how it was a productive day and went through a few of the activities that went on throughout it. He also praised the staff for their hard work and service.

Announcements – October 31 professional development: No students. November 1: Regular School Board Meeting. November 11: Veterans Day – District Closed.