Cibola County Senior Center Schedule Lunch and Activities in September


Sept. 14

Turkey Pot Pie, Tossed Salad with Dressing, Broccoli and Cauliflower, Peach Crisp.

Ice Cream Social 12 p.m.

Sept. 19

Lasagna, Spinach, Wheat Roll., Pears with Cottage Cheese, Peanut Butter Cookie.

Sept. 20

Sept. 21

BBQ Chicken Thigh, Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Buttered Biscuit, Banana Pudding with Wafers.

Sept. 22

Red Chili, Pork Posole, Corn/Zucchini, Jalapeno, Corn Bread, Pineapple Chunks.

Sept 23

Frito Pie, Lettuce/Tomato, Onion/Red Chili, Broccoli, Salsa, Ice Cream Sandwich.

Free Popcorn!

Sept. 26

Sept. 27 Diced Pork with Green Chili and Potatoes, Flour Tortilla, Pinto Beans, Roasted Corn, Mini Danish.

Sept. 15

Cook’s Choice!

Sept. 16

ECHO Commodities 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Meat Loaf, Mashed Potato with Pepper Gravy, Germany Blend Vegetables, Dinner Roll, Fruit Jell-O.

BINGO at 12 p.m. Three cards for $5, One card but $2.

Calabacitas with Ground Beef and Green Chili, Flour Tortilla, Diced Potatoes, Orange Slices.

Chicken Sandwich, Seasoned French Fries, Capri Veggies, Garden Salad, Chilled Plums.

Sept. 28

Red Chili, Cheese Enchiladas, Lettuce/ Tomato, Onion, Steamed Rice, Green Beans with Tomato, Apple Slices.

Sept. 29 Pepperoni Pizza, Spinach Salad, Italian Veggies, Peach Cobbler.

Rock Painting at 10 a.m.

Sept. 30

Egg Salad, Croissant, Lettuce/Tomato, Beet Salad, Baked Lays, Pineapple in Yogurt.