Power outage

  • In the morning of August 31, a dump truck made contact with power lines, resulting in the disruption of power for many area residents and businesses as well as damaging power poles. Scott Ford - CC
    In the morning of August 31, a dump truck made contact with power lines, resulting in the disruption of power for many area residents and businesses as well as damaging power poles. Scott Ford - CC

GRANTS, N.M. – In the morning of August 31, a dump truck accidentally made contact with power lines which caused flickering electricity across the city and knocked out power to various neighborhoods, causing closures to some businesses like T-Bones Gym on 330 First Street in Grants, New Mexico.

The power issues began around 9:30 a.m., emergency crews went to work to find where exactly the outage had occurred to stop any potential fire from catching or spreading. At approximately 9:35 a.m. the location of the power issues was identified in the area between Geis and First Street near Monroe Avenue and no fire had started, according to Grants Fire and Rescue.

When the power issues began, 11 patients were receiving dialysis treatments and needed to be transported to Cibola General Hospital as there was no backup generator in the dialysis clinic, according to the Cibola County Sheriff’s Office. Superior Ambulance assisted in the transportation of these patients, some of whom were becoming lightheaded and having challenges breathing.

Agencies across the City of Grants sprang into action after the first power surges were detected in an effort to secure the safety of the city. With quick effort, responding agencies managed to find the site and block it off to avoid any unnecessary injuries. Efforts were citywide to protect the citizens of Grants and restore full power.

As of press time full power had not been restored to Grants, N.M., Continental Divide Electric Cooperative said to expect power surges for a few hours while they resolve the power issues.