Trustees discuss upcoming Milan projects


VILLAGE OF MILAN N.M. – The Village of Milan Board of Trustees held both a workshop and a special meeting on Wednesday, September 8, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Trustee Chris Archuleta was not present. During the workshop, Village Clerk Denise Baca gave the trustees updates on a plot of land and a process to eliminate stickers and start growing grass on Sept. 20.

The trustees quickly adjourned the workshop and called the special meeting to order. They approved the agenda with the corrections of tabling two items because the presenters were not quite ready. Next, they moved onto item 3.b Direction on Milan Industrial Park, during which Wilson and Company engineer Mario Juarez-Infante, Northwestern New Mexico Council of Governments Executive Director Evan Williams, and Cibola Communities Economic Development Foundation Executive Director Eileen Yarborough all gave updates on the Milan Industrial Park project.

The total budget for Phase I of the project will be about $33 million, and the plan will include drainage, utilities, sewage, and much more. Both Juarez-Infante and Yarborough acknowledged Williams and the NWNMCOG for their part in developing the project, making the plans happen, and doing the research and work to make it successful. Juarez-Infante and the others also emphasized that the industrial park will be “very desirable if you can provide rail access,” which they are anticipating will be a part of the plan. So far, the NWNMCOG has been able to make an application to the State of New Mexico for $8 million for Phase I. The organization also developed a funding strategy specific to the Village of Milan so that funding for this project will not impede on funding for other necessary projects in the village. Yarborough also added that she is developing strategies for seeking out companies interested in coming to Cibola County and possibly the Milan Industrial Park. Yarborough said that if the industrial park was already up and running, there were many interested parties who would have signed a contract on the spot. Williams said that fortunately, the Milan Industrial Park project is “the most ready to go” in Cibola County and will also be the most impactful. With that, the board directed the presenters to proceed with seeking funding and they accepted the design for Phase I.

Next on the agenda, Clerk Baca said she needed to direction on an issue regarding recreation equipment. Baca said they needed playground equipment and that she would like to apply for $50,000 as a start for claiming some. The board supported that course of action. Another Wilson & Co. employee then presented updates on the new soccer field improvement project. Two bids were received for the project, and the presenter said he would like to negotiate with one of the bidders, Richardson and Richardson, and hopefully receive a best and final offer from them by this week. Mayor Gonzales responded, saying that although they do not want to pull anything from the project plans, if it came down to it, they would compromise on storage because the biggest priorities are the bathroom and concession stand. They emphasized that they do not want to compromise, but if they have to, that is what they’d be willing to compromise on. The board voted to accept the bid from Richardson and Richardson contingent upon the results of negotiations.

Next, they moved onto agenda item 3.f Resolution 2021-023 ICIP adoption and they heard from NWNMCOG Planner Brandon Howe. Howe reported that the top seven items listed on this year’s Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan for the village are: 1. Wastewater system improvements; 2. Heavy equipment purchasing project; 3. Swimming pool improvement project; 4. Airport road and bridge improvements; 5. Mirabal park multipurpose facilities; 6. Milan Industrial Park development project; 7. Milan parks improvements. The board approved the ICIP adoption resolution, including the items included, their order, and project details.

The Board of Trustees then approved two resolutions: Resolution 2021-024 Water Trust Board Application Water System Improvements and Resolution 2021-025 Water Trust Board Application Airport Bridge. The first resolution included an application for $2,400,000 for water system improvements, and the second resolution included an application for $2 million for the Airport bridge.

The trustees then concluded the meeting with board comments. Trustee Ellen Baca recognized those working with the NWNMCOG and Wilson & Co. for their hard work and she also wanted to remind the community of the trash cleanup being held on October 9 in the village. Trustee Roseanne Lopez said thank you to the NWNMCOG and Wilson & Co. workers as well and said, “Hopefully we get some money.” Mayor Pro Tem Vivian Brumbelow added excitedly, “Tonight’s been a good move for all of us.” Finally, Mayor Gonzales stated that is has “been a long time coming” for these projects and he thanked those involved for “always trying to help the village” and make these projects happen.

Mayor Felix Gonzales then provided the following announcements: Board of Trustees Special Meeting immediately following workshop; Planning and Zoning Meeting on September 9 at 4:30 p.m.; Board of Trustees Regular Meeting on September 16 at 5:30 p.m.; Village of Milan Annual Pumpkin Patch on October 23, beginning at 10 a.m. at Mirabal Park; Village of Milan Cleanup on October 9 at 8 a.m.