Ask Nancy Q+A: Heavy Heart


Dear Nancy:

With all of the weight I’ve put on recently, I feel ashamed when I look in the mirror. I have tried tons of workout plans, but when I get on the scale and the number is the same, I get so frustrated that I just give up. Quitting leaves me feeling even worse about myself and totally out of options. My clothes don’t fit anymore, but I'm worried that if I go up a size, I'll never come back down. I would love to hang out with friends or try online dating sites, but with the way that I look, I can’t imagine anyone wanting to be seen with me in public. Worst of all, to manage the sadness and self-hatred I feel, I turn to food for comfort. How do I start losing weight for good so that I can finally have my life back?

Sincerely, Heavy Heart.

Dear Heavy Heart:

I want to assure you that I do understand your struggle. I have also found it frustrating to try and lose weight over the years, but I sense that your determination is as strong as mine, and I believe you can do it. The best way to stay motivated is to have an end goal in mind. Try visualizing yourself 30 pounds lighter, smiling brightly and more energetic. Perhaps you envision yourself feeling confident in clothes you’ve always longed to wear, a romantic partner by your side. Now that we have the future “you” in mind, let’s work backwards. First, let's pick a method for you to lose weight. Perhaps you need accountability, and someone who holds your feet to the fire, such as a fitness instructor or weight loss meetings. Alternatively, you might do better with educational books or videos, which could teach you about the food groups you can eat to fight fatigue and start an exercise program. If none of these strategies work, you might need to look for some medical advice. A doctor may be able to tell you if thy roid issues or sleep apnea are affecting your weight loss journey. As you consider your options, let’s start the process of getting you on a dating app. Keep in mind, not all pictures have to show your full body. Perhaps you take only headshots, or maybe there are pictures of you having fun with friends. From there, it's about writing a profile that shines a light on your inner beauty. Remember to keep the faith; you’re just looking for one special person who loves you for who you are. As you engage with your workout and search for this potential partner, stay intentional by keeping your eye on your goals. Try creating a vision board with places you would love to visit, or fashions you’d like to try. Once you have your “why,” it becomes so much easier to whip on your shoes and start walking. So get excited: your future self is waiting to greet you with open arms.

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