Letters to the Editor


Dear Editor,

National media let the genie out of the bottle on schools. If you’re a parent, check out your kids’ school to see this doesn’t happen, deadbolt locks are a cheap price to pay for keeping your kids safe. Despite billions of dollars that have been poured into hardening schools nationally, 1 in 4 U.S. public schools lack classroom doors that can be locked from the inside, according to a survey conducted two years ago by the National Center on Education Statistics, a federal research office, Uvalde school's classrooms lacked a basic security feature — and it’s missing across America (msn.com). Teachers where required to keep the dead bolt locked with a key, they often forgot while going in and out. News flash deadbolts have twist lock that requires no key to lock and unlock it from the inside! The safety feature is missing in much of Texas: 36 percent of the state’s schools said they did not have interior-locking doors in the majority of their classrooms, according to a 2018 survey. Outdated locks are especially common in older school buildings that haven’t been renovated, industry representatives said. Built in the 1960s, Robb Elementary had classroom doors that could only be locked and unlocked from the outside, according to state authorities and the teacher. Here’s an idea let’s start suing some of these school superintendents, principals, and school boards that are busy trying to teach Critical race theory - Wikipedia, and LTGB. When they tear schools down like Sandy Hook after these shootings, they are covering up evidence on how weak the door locks or security was with your tax dollars. Instead, we blame the gun manufacturers, and our leftwing democratic party wants to band assault rifles.


Mr. Harry L. Hall

USAF Veteran

Retired Police/Sheriff Lt.