Letters to the Editor



Dear Editor;

The Hallowed Evening prepares us to honor our heroes. It has the delight of seeing children excited, pretending to be strong, brave, beautiful, famous, and hoping to receive lots of sweet gifts. They listen with rapt attention and terror to stories about ghosts, witches, and horrible happenings.

Along the Way, we learn that the stories about fearful things, pain, evil, death are all too real. We must deal with our monsters, win, or lose.

But at day’s end, when we ring the bell of our home, we see in the eyes of our True Love that we now have truly become strong, brave, beautiful, celebrated and will continue to receive sweet gifts for the rest of eternity.

Joan Klonowski

Grants, NM


Dear Editor;

Interventions can be the difference between life and death for a drug addict or an alcoholic. Not every person in need of rehab is going to initially jump at the chance to get clean and handle the issues that drove them to addiction. While some addicts or alcoholics have been so badly beaten and battered by their lifestyle that they grasp at the first opportunity to deal with their problems, others need some type of external help in order to seek help. Interventions are extremely helpful tools for families who are dealing with a loved one who is completely against getting help and resistant to going to treatment.

Some families believe if an addict or alcoholic is not willing to get help and go to drug rehab on their own, they are not going to force them to go and certainly won’t waste their money. Here’s an interesting fact: if some addicts or alcoholics believe they can continue to drink alcohol or use drugs successfully, without any type of consequences for their behavior, they will continue to do so because the problems caused by their addiction is still less than the power of the addiction over them.

There are 2 types of interventions; one where the family sits down with the addict and has a professional interventionist conduct a family intervention, where the addict is confronted and offered drug rehab. If they choose not to attend drug rehab, the family gives the addict consequences for their choice. The other type of intervention is done by an interventionist and conducted on a one-on-one basis, where the interventionist works with the addict alone to get their agreement to go to treatment. Once the interventionist, in either case, gets the addict to choose help, they will escort them to the treatment center the family has picked out and gets them successfully checked in.

Often, interventionists can be more successful in handling the addict than the family since, in many cases, the interventionist is an exaddict himself. By having gone through addiction, the interventionist can level with the addict, speak from their reality and understand and have empathy for what they are going through. The interventionist is also a neutral party and not heavily emotionally involved in the situation like the family is. Interventions can help an addict make a logical choice for themselves when they might not be able to alone. If an addict is struggling with addiction, but refuses help, interventions can be a powerful tool used to save their life.

For more information on interventions, go https://www.narcononcolorado.org/blog/tips-for-doing-an -intervention.html .

Jason Good

Heads up

Dear Editor;

Dear Editor,

I just want to say that before people cast their votes, I hope that they see the big picture.

President Donald J. Trump wants to do so much for the county and the American people. He is very strong and a man of his word. Even having to deal with all the hell the democrats put him through trying to get him out of office, he still kept most of his promises to the American people.

He promised to take no salary – promise kept.

He promised to slash federal regulations – promise kept.

He promised to cut taxes – promise kept.

He promised to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem – promised kept.

He promised to put in conservative judges, and he’s put in two, and maybe three now – promise kept.

He promised to persuade NATO Nations to pay their fair share – promise kept.

He promised to strengthen our military – promise kept.

He promised to get out of the Iran Nuclear deal – promise kept.

And on and on, one campaign promise after another, kept by President Trump.

The unemployment reached its lowest. Millions of Americans lifted off food stamps.

He fights for the people rights and most important he is for life. President Trump picked up our economy when he came into office and he will do it again.

In my opinion, the democrats in Washington don't care about Joe Biden. He is just a decoy for them to win the election so they can continue their agenda to strip us of our freedom. I heard Joe Biden say or television that he wants the soul of America.

America is made up of the people. The people make up America Joe Biden is telling you very clearly that he wants your soul. That should tell you people that you will lose a whole lot more than just your freedom. Very scary.

I don't see that the Democrats in office in Santa Fe are doing much for the people in Grants. People are getting laid off from the coal mine. The power plant will be shutting down. The refinery near Gallup will be shutting down. People from Grants work there and will lose their jobs also. They haven't helped the Post 71 uranium workers get compensated with the RECA program. The workers have been waiting for many years.

We definitely need a change for things to get better in New Mexico and let’s keep America great.

I read in a book that the name Donald is derived from the name Dombnall meaning "World leader” or "ruler" of the world. John is a Hebrew name meaning "God is gracious” Trump is a German surname meaning" trumpet 'or "drum" but it's also an English verb meaning “to excel, surpass, or outdo and it's an early-English variant of "triumph". So Donald John Trump, when pieced together could easily mean "World Leader Under the Grace of God whose Leadership will Excel, Surpass, and outdo in Triumph.

Also, in the book, "The Spirit of God says, I have chosen this man, Donald Trump, for such a time as this. For as Benjamin Netanyahu is to Israel, so shall this man be to the United States of America!"

God Bless You

God Bless President Donald Trump and

God Bless America

Nancy Ortega

Grants N.M.

Editor’s notes: The Cibola Citizen seeks and welcomes letters to the editor on any and all topics. All letters must be no longer than 500 words (one full page, single spaced) and contain the writer’s name and contact phone number for verification. Unsigned letters will not be printed. The Cibola Citizen reserves the right to edit any and all submissions.