Letters to the Editor


Dear editor, I wish this letter shined positivity. But unfortunately, I am writing this to express my heartfelt disappointment within the Emergency Medical Technician team. Emergency technician jobs are not for the weak as anyone can understand. So, I do give credit where it is due. But to be successful in any job you must achieve good interpersonal skills.

With that being said, a point that I have is that, if you pursue a career where you constantly deal with different types of people regardless, I will hope that you would hold heavy consideration while caring for them. In some instances, I have witnessed the Emergency Medical Technician’s failing to keep personal feelings aside.

As a long time, resident of Cibola County, this has caused distrust in the EMT’s. When we are in dire need, they answer the call and arrive on scene. And many of us are very appreciative of this. However, when we reach out, we do so because we trust that we will receive help. We do not reach out to be laughed at for expressing concern. It is a hard situation for many people when the EMT’s are called as well as for the EMTs themselves. Although, I do believe that a situation can improve even its it only a tad, when you are treated like a person with feelings.

This is not pertaining to all EMTs so, I would like to give my gratitude towards EMTs that go above and beyond.

And for those who are failing to do their jobs and are the result of this letter to the editor, do better or perhaps explore a different career path because Cibola is counting on you.

Thank you, CJ Jones