Letters to the Editor


Dear Editor When you live in a small community, every life matters. Every life touches another. So when we lose someone we love to death, it hurts. Every day I meet someone that is carrying the burden of grief and depression like a large heavy duffle bag on their back. The tears come freely and easily and the pain is evident. I read many petitions every day from our hurting brothers and sisters on social media, asking for prayers of peace, strength and healing and I am moved by their sufferings.

We have someone we love very much who lost their grandfather recently. He lived a long life and not too long ago was still riding horseback! The loss to this family is very evident and it caused me to have some deep reflection about life and death. After hours of thinking and reading in the New Testament, I was having my prayers and asking the Lord to bless all those who were suffering from loss, by name. As the tears fell down my face, my heart was opened and I felt the peace of the Spirit, the Comforter, come into heart and manifest the truth that life does not end at death. That life is eternal. And that families can always be together forever.

Death will come to all of us and we will feel its sting from time to time. As the Savior of the World was resurrected after three days in the tomb, resurrection shall come to every man, woman and child. I look forward to that day when the first trumpet is blown and the dead shall come forth, clothed in immortality and eternal life and that our families are reunited once again. May the Lord bless our area and heal the hearts of the hurting and fill them with hope.

Robert S. Windhorst Milan, New Mexico