Letters to the Editor


Bad Legislation

Dear editor, Every NM State Legislative Session I hold my breath waiting to see what happens with the terrible bills that are brought forth. New Mexico is the most liberal state in the southwest. We are also ranked very near to the bottom in education, poverty, economic development. Our beautiful state has been blessed with many natural resources, oil, gas, and coal. We also have plenty of uranium. Unfortunately, our legislators take their lead from California and are doing their best to do away with the use of those minerals and resources, while growing the state government in ways that are not sustainable, while closing our power plants and reducing our contribution to the energy grid.

Our Legislators refuse to pass laws that protect our Law Enforcement Officers, while at the same time jumping on the bandwagon to impose unconstitutional bans on guns owned by responsible, law abiding citizens! They also try to close down all the private prisons in the state. How does this make any sense? Violent crime is rising and their answer is to weaken law enforcement and rob citizens of their right to protect themselves and let violent criminals out on the street!

There is an exodus of doctors and nurses from our state because of bad legislation. Rural hospitals are struggling to stay opened because our lawyers in the state legislature make it easy to sue and win big settlements. When we vote, we should consider these things and do something different.

Robert S. Windhorst Milan, New Mexico