Letters to the Editor


New Congressional gun legislation

Dear Editor;

I would strongly suggest you take the time to look at or read the new gun bill submitted to congress HR127 , https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/127/text. Under the firearm registration system, the owner of a firearm shall transmit to the Bureau the make, model, and serial number of the firearm, the identity of the owner of the firearm, the date the firearm was acquired by the owner, and where the firearm is or will be stored; and a notice specifying the identity of any person to whom, and any period of time during which, the firearm will be loaned to the person. The Attorney General shall make the contents of the database accessible to all members of the public, all Federal, State, and local law enforcement authorities, all branches of the United States Armed Forces, and all State and local governments, as defined by the Bureau. Great tell all the crooks which house has all the guns! You will undergo a criminal background check conducted by the national instant criminal background check system established under section 103 of the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, and if the check does not indicate that possession of a firearm by the individual would violate subsection (g) or (n) of section 922 or State law; undergoes a psychological evaluation conducted in accordance with paragraph (2), and if the evaluation does not indicate that the individual is psychologically unsuited to possess a firearm; and successfully completes a training course, certified by the Attorney General, in the use, safety, and storage of firearms, that includes at least 24 hours of training; and demonstrates that, on issuance of the license, the individual will have in effect an insurance policy THEN YOU CAN HAVE A GUN! Oh, if you have any guns before this bill is passed you have three months to report all of the above information. That is just part of the bill, New Mexico is 2nd for the most dangerous States for Crime, https://moneywise.com/a/the-worst-states-for-violent-crime-in-the-us. The bill bans most assault type firearms, read the bill for more on that, and near the last you will love this part. Section 924(a) of such title is amended by adding at the end the following: Whoever knowingly violates section 922(aa) shall be fined not less than $75,000 and not more than $150,000, imprisoned not less than 15 years and not more than 25 years, or both, and It shall be unlawful for any person to possess ammunition that is 0.50 caliber or greater. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess a large capacity ammunition feeding device. Now of those of you that voted Democrats you are going to start getting what you asked for, like in 1930 Germany, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_ gun_control_argument. Better wake up and get involved, donate to organizations who will fight this, let your congressman and senators know how you feel, you can even email the white house.

Signed. Mr. Harry L, Hall USAF Veteran Retired Police Officer

Spreading false information

Dear Editor;

The breaking of a most important Commandment occurred in last week's Op-Ed by Robert Windhorst thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

I could no longer sit by and allow diatribes against me based on false information be printed in a newspaper that permits the toxic spread of misinformation and has failed in it's foremost duty by publishing QAnon-like falsehoods.

I take great pride in fulfilling my duties as Representative and thoroughly analyze bills before I make my vote. Allow me to share what Senate Bill 10 is REALLY supposed to do.

This bill will remove an old law prohibiting abortion that was invalidated by not only the New Mexico Appellate Court but also by the United States Supreme Court. The bill changes nothing about how, when or where abortions can be performed, nor by whom. This information can be found- in the Legislative Finance Committee's analysis of the bill. The analysis includes responses to the bill from trusted sources across the state.

And to directly contradict Mr. Windhorst, this bill does NOT change current regulations regarding abortions. Spreading false information is a synonym for lying, Mr. Windhorst.

As YOUR constituent, I wonder what you have accomplished as a county commissioner. Where are the jobs? Under Republican management of several local government entities, we have lost millions of dollars in funding.

Mr. Windhorst, your Hang-Mike-Pence mob mentality does not intimidate me. You clearly cannot take a loss as you continue to fail as the Chairman of the Cibola County Republican Party.

Eliseo Alcon

Chairman, House Labor Committee New Mexico House of Representatives, District 6

Editor’s notes: The Cibola Citizen seeks and welcomes letters to the editor on any and all topics. All letters must be no longer than 500 words (one full page, single spaced) and contain the writer’s name and contact phone number for verification. Unsigned letters will not be printed. The Cibola Citizen reserves the right to edit any and all submissions.