Light in the Darkness


Reasons for Living and the Meaning of Life

  • Light in the Darkness
    Light in the Darkness

All of us have gone through life hearing that life isn’t easy. The thing that I have struggled with a lot is trying to find the meaning of why I am here and what is keeping me here. I have the belief that everyone has their own sense of purpose and meaning. No one is here to do the same thing. Such as, no one has the same reason for living. Not everyone lives for family, or for money, or for happiness. At this moment I am unsure of my reason for living. I think that although my life doesn’t appear as bleak, I am still trying to navigate my way through this thing we call life. At this current moment I believe that my reason for living is to help others in any way I can. A lot of us have struggled in finding our reason for living, I know I have. Those moments where you finally got it all figured out but then it all falls through. I think that the best way to find meaning is to keep pushing yourself to find your reason for living. Whether it be a job, a person, an animal, even an object or a sunset. Any reason for living is worth it. And with your reason for living, you find meaning. A good movie from Disney that I think encapsulates the idea of meaning and the reason for living is “Soul.” It perfectly shows that every single person on this planet both living, and dead have a specific reason for why they are here, and no one person is exactly the same as another. In “Soul” the character 22 shows exactly what I think most people struggle with and that is finding your meaning when it seems as though everyone else has. I think the one thing at least I need to do is to realize that my meaning and reason for living doesn’t need to be perfect and it doesn’t need to be able to fit into the box. My reason for living and my meaning is what I make it out to be.

“I must talk, and you must listen, for we are engaged here in the most important pursuit in history: the search for meaning. What is the nature of being a person? What is the best way to go about being a person? How did we come to be, and what will become of us when we are no longer? In short: What are the rules of this game, and how might we best play it?” – John Green, “Looking For Alaska”