New Mexico, land of the free?


Dear Editor;

I’m really getting tired of the arrogant “elite” in government and the media restricting our freedom because we are “archaic” New Mexicans.

For example, SB 10 Repeal abortion ban was hailed as decriminalizing abortion. But a simple reading of the former State Law NMSA 1978 30-5-1 to 30-5-3 [] reveals the approval of abortion in cases of rape, incest, health of the mother or grave defects in the child. It requires that the procedure be done by a licensed MD in an accredited hospital certified by 2 of their licensed MDs. It only criminalizes abortions done by an unauthorized person or against the woman’s will or if it results in the death of the woman. The new law removes freedom of conscience and parental notification so that an underage girl can make this life altering decision without the help of her parents and that hospitals, medical staff and even housekeeping must participate in abortions. Also what is seldom reported is the “State Facts” of New Mexico on the Guttmacher Institute’s website New Mexico is one of the few States with no waiting period, no parental involvement, no limitation on publicly funded abortions. It is only one of 17 States that use its own funds for AB under Medicaid. It requires no counseling or regulations for AB facilities. Albuquerque has been called “The Late Term Abortion Capital” since it is one of the few places in the United States that performs 3rd trimester AB and even though there’s a ban on partial birth AB it can be circumvented by the MOLD procedure which injects digoxin to stop the heartbeat of the child, dilates the cervix and induces the delivery of a stillborn.

Concerning the assisted suicide HB 47, it forbids the freedom of hospitals and providers to refuse referring or giving patients lethal drugs that may take hours or days to kill them. It hides the deed from being recorded on the death certificate and exempts information from the Public Health report about the number of killings and the providers involved from inspection of public records.

True New Mexicans, even in times of heart-breaking sorrow, care for their families and help them go through the dark valleys together — archaic or heroic?

Joan Klonowski,

Grants, NM

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