The new norm: …just wait - there’s more to come!


I have been saddened lately about the turmoil I’ve seen in our great country; I agree the pandemic is not helping the matter. During one of many sleepless nights I’ve had lately, I caught a glimpse of a latenight carnival type salesman on the computer or television talking about last year and maybe I read some sarcasm in the way he talked. He explained that if you didn’t like it, just wait, there’s more to come.

It could have troubled me. It didn’t, I’m thinking positive.

The riots, the hatred that is displayed, and the senseless destruction of property of persons who were not even involved in the demonstrations is not my concept of America. We have survived a presidential election so far and I hope for a greater sense of unity.

I really hope so. No, I know we will; this is America.

But my belief about “more to come” i that I have also seen the continued generosity of people helping each other, sharing time, sharing sorrows, and sharing food. I’ve seen bright and happy eyes over the hidden smile behind the necessary but burdensome face masks. I hear laughter somewhat muffled by the mask, but nonetheless, the lighter side that people may struggle displaying, but still have, in these trying times. I’ve seen children on the news championing a fundraiser for their community, or helping make masks for others. I see more to come.

That’s the spirit!

I’ve seen the real beauty of Americans. We have seen a vaccine for this pandemic developed in “Warp Speed” - really a modern miracle. And the historic Space-X launch. And so many good people helping and wanting to help and being so supportive and positive of a brighter future that I positively encourage people to

… just wait: there’s more to come!