
The Debt Crisis
  • Op-Ed

The greatest threat to America is not the Russians or the Chinese. It is the shameful National Debt that continues to spiral as our leaders in Washington DC spend the United States into oblivion. When I say our leaders, I am speaking of both the Republicans and Democrats. The two houses of government, the Senate and the House, have not taken responsible steps to control the deficit and it is destroying our Nation. President Biden has also forgotten that the purse strings for the national spending of our tax money is to be held by the Congress according to the US Constitution (Article 1, Section 9, Clause 7), as he spends billions of dollars by executive order to pay off student loan debt without congressional approval.

The US deficit stands at over 34 trillion dollars. 40 percent of all the taxes we as citizens pay goes to pay the interest on that deficit. Where does the money come from that we borrow to send to fund all kinds of adventures in other countries around the world? It comes from other countries and other investors, including the American public.

How does this effect our people and our nation? It makes us a society that will soon not be able to help the poor and helpless, our veterans, our elderly. Europe has a much higher standard of living because they do very little to spend the money in their treasuries on other countries and endless wars. They have the ability to give their citizens more time off for vacations, medical, dental and good care for the elderly.

It is time for Americans to pay attention to what our leaders are doing in Washington and hold their hands to the fire in getting control of the deficit and the wasteful spending and create budgets that do not put us in further debt and financial distress. This current pattern is not sustainable for much longer.