Call for Community Sports Photos


Attention, Cibola County athletes and enthusiasts! Whether you're scoring goals, hitting trails, lifting weights, or just enjoying a game of catch in the park, your moments of athletic endeavor light up our community. The Cibola Citizen Newspaper is eager to showcase your fun and accomplishments in our beloved sports section.

We invite all of you, from seasoned athletes to those who find joy in casual, recreational activities, to share your snapshots of sporting spirit and physical prowess. Are you part of a local team that just clinched a victory? Did you conquer a challenging hiking trail? Or perhaps captured a candid moment of playful sportsmanship in your backyard? We want to see it all!

How to Submit: Send your photos to Editor@CibolaCitizen. com, along with a brief description of the activity, the names of individuals (if applicable and with consent), and any interesting story or achievement linked to the moment captured. Please ensure the photos are clear and high-resolution to make every detail count.

By spotlighting the diverse athletic activities within our community, we aim to celebrate the health, happiness, and unity that sports and physical activities bring to our lives. Let's fill the sports section of the Cibola Citizen Newspaper with the energy, passion, and faces of our local sports scene. Grab your cameras, and let's make those memorable moments shine in print!

Deadline for Submissions: Monday at 5 p.m.

Join us in creating a collage of Cibola County's athletic spirit. Your snapshot could be the inspiration someone needs to start their own athletic journey or simply a way to share a slice of life in our active community. Let's come together to highlight the fun, the effort, and the sportsmanship that define our local sports culture. See you in the sports section!