Grants Youth Baseball Scores


5- and 6-Year-Old Coach Pitch Baseball

Regular Season Standings

1st Place - Cubs

2nd Place - White Sox

3rd Place - Buckeyes

Tournament Championship

Buckeyes - 6

Cardinals - 2

Player of the Year: Elijah Ramirez - Cubs

Coach of the Year: Ira

Vandever - Cardinals

7 - 9-Year-Old Baseball

Regular Season Standings

1st place - Pirates

2nd place - Isotopes

3rd place - Gremlins Tournament Championship

Isotopes vs Pirates (Monday Aug 1 @ 6pm) Player of the Year: Nikolas Galindo - Pirates Coach of the Year: Jason Aragon - LA Hawks

10 - 12-Year-Old Baseball

Regular Season Standings

1st place - Boom

2nd place - Royals

3rd place - Braves Tournament Championship

Bees - 11

Braves - 6

Player of the Year: Dereck Platero - Royals Brandon Valdo - Angels

Girl's Fast Pitch Softball

Regular Season Standings

1st place - Lady Pirates

2nd Place - Lady Lobos

3rd Place - Miners Tournament Championship

Lady Pirates - 13

Lady Lobos - 3

Player of the Year: Brianna Largo - Lady Lobos

Coach of the Year: Cotton Jarrell - Miners