
The Postscript

I saw the burro wearing pants and carrying a basket filled with paper flowers. “Oh, my gosh!” I said.

Travels in Grants

All colors of bunnies, lots of chocolates, eggs and baskets-should I go on an Easter egg hunt or to church? I asked several people and got different answers. Some said, “don't go to church because people assume you must and there's all those rules and hypocrites and you get judged and you don't get help or useful teaching or even awesome music.” Some said, they go because “it's a family of believers praying together, it helps the community, it's a small gesture of worship and thanks for all that Jesus did for us.” Easter [called Pasch in non-English countries] was the most important day in the calendar since 33AD.

Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, Dear Attorney General Torrez, I am writing to inform you of what I believe is an infringement of my rights as a U.S. citizen and member of Continental Divide Electric Cooperative. A former Grants City Council councilor, I have applied for ballot position to sit on the board of the Co-op since the late 1990s. Any time a sitting member's seat is challenged, the business-portion of the meeting dies due to lack of quorum. No quorum means no vote to elect new board members, thus, current members retain their seats.

Scratchin' Out A Little Living

My column has generally been about economics and systems that could be employed on a macrolevel to ease the pain of the high cost of living. Well,today’s column is about aging parents.

State of Affairs

Usually, this column is about politics and global affairs. This week, I want to take a little break from all of this – because, the world is falling apart, and there is plenty of time to languish over the chaos that is absorbing everything.

TITANIC - The Tribute

A LEGEND lives on with the Irish and beyond Of an Ocean that's called North Atlantic. That Ocean in spring, haunting memories it brings Of the ICEBERG that sank the TITANIC.

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, Thank you so very much for two special features in the Cibola Citizen on Wednesday, April 5. I especially enjoyed the article by Amerika Rougemont, “Get your Hat, He has Risen!” Thank you for the blessing of Easter she shared.

Scratchin' Out A Little Living

Years ago, in what feels like another universe from another lifetime, I worked as a Claims Specialist for the Department of Veterans Affairs. Our team worked the standard forty-hour work week and were often mandated to do overtime on weekends.

Ask Nancy Q+A: Lacking Neighborly Love

Dear Nancy, Lately, I have been feeling betrayed and like my heart is constantly breaking. I am 42 years old and have been trying desperately to build a connection with my younger brother, but no matter what I do I feel like our relationship just gets worse.

Get Your H.A.T.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. Jesus of Nazareth preached to the Jews and Gentiles which at the time was unheard of as the Pharisees only taught the Jews.