
Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor, I am writing today as a concerned citizen. Have you ever driven up Leech Street? I asked this because if you have then you know exactly what I'm talking about and why I ask how did these $200,000 and $300,000 homes get approval to be built when it isn't even a legal street.

Always Living and Learning

In mid-December, just before the winter break, Grants High School concluded the first semester with exam week. I was pleased as most of my English/ journalism students, for the most part, approached exams well and mostly prepared.

The Cibola Citizen

The Cibola Citizen welcomes all letters to the editor. We will push all received letters unless they are defamatory. Letters from all elected officials will not be edited prior to publication. Letters from candidates for office will be published on a case-by-case basis. Letters with campaign speech will not run; consider buying an advertisement. Please keep letters less than 400 words and include a title for your letter. Please email your letter to: editor@cibolacitizen.com for publication or bring it to the Cibola Citizen Newspaper office at 200 W. Santa Fe Avenue, or send it to P.O. Box 789, Grants, New Mexico, 87020.

Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, The New Mexico Mining Museum did a good job in honoring the miners. They had an open house and took a tour of the underground mine. Those miners worked very hard and they worked in in human conditions. They worked days, nights and graveyard shifts.

Civics Potpourri

On January 6 New Mexico will celebrate 111 years as a state. The Land of Enchantment captivates the imagination and has inspired great works of art through stories, fables, myths, and paintings.

Dear Nancy:

I recently lost my 11-year-old Labrador, Bo, because of a heart issue, and I feel like I'm missing a huge part of my life. Bo was my loyal companion for so long, and my days feel empty without him by my side. It’s been hard to sleep at night, especially with his dog bed on the floor next to mine. I just can’t bring myself to get rid of it because kneeling down and smelling it gives me comfort and makes me feel like he’s still in my arms. I can’t help but wonder if I had just paid for surgeries or extensive testing to extend Bo’s life, maybe he would still be here with me. I feel even sadder when I see a show or hear a song we used to watch or listen to together. I don’t even know what to do with all of Bo’s treats and food that I still have in the garage. My friends and family have tried to support me through this, but no one can replace my best friend, Bo. I am so sad and I’m not sure how to stop the pain.

State of Affairs

I hope and pray that all of Cibola enjoyed this beautiful 2022 holiday season. I did.

Letters to the Editor

Dear editor, I wish this letter shined positivity. But unfortunately, I am writing this to express my heartfelt disappointment within the Emergency Medical Technician team. Emergency technician jobs are not for the weak as anyone can understand. So, I do give credit where it is due. But to be successful in any job you must achieve good interpersonal skills.

Happy Holidays from the Cibola Citizen!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Boxing Day and a joyful type of every other celebration about to occur. From the Cibola Citizen to you, Happy Holidays! This is a time where we look back on the year that has passed and we begin to prepare for the new year.