
Letters to the Editor

It’s time to replace the Grants City Council Dear Editor: I think I've finally had it. The Grants City Council is worthless and needs to go.

Limited Potential

This week is Red Ribbon Week. According to www.redribbon.org, Red Ribbon Week is “the nation’s largest and longest-running drug-use prevention campaign.” The campaign is sponsored by an organization called National Family Partnership, whose mission is to “lead and support our nation’s families and communities in nurturing the full potential of healthy, drug free youth.”

Support moving in the right direction

Dear Editor: After being elected Cibola County Commissioner for District 4 five years ago, I had no idea the financial problems our county was in. The Commission was faced with some very hard decisions to get our county back on track.

Gloom and doom

Dear Editor: Well winter is upon us, and I hope everyone has gotten their homes ready for the upcoming weather. As usual when the national news media has nothing good to talk about they go straight to the gloom and doom news headlines as fast as they can, Video Dangerous weather all across the nation - ABC News (go.com).

Moral high ground

The US Constitution is a powerful document, it is the basis of law in this country and a restriction on the authority of our leaders so they can’t consolidate too much power. More than these building blocks, the Constitution is a promise to uphold the goodwill of humanity in the interest of all Americans through human rights protections and general respect for common good. This nation has always strived to fulfill the promise of creating A More Perfect Union, but it hasn’t always held this promise across the board – now, America’s adversaries are using this dark past against it. The US is at a crossroad where it can reckon with the pain of the past and come out stronger or deny its history and lose moral high ground with other nations. One path strengthens the Union, the other endangers its national security.

Letters to the Editor

Pragmatism rules Dear Editor: I have always been an optimist with a strong streak of pragmatism. After reading the Citizen’s articles on Bright Green, pragmatism rules.

Pondering Pundit

It seems to me that we live in a society where many of its members feel entitled to one thing or another. They feel that the world or that society owes them something.

Shedding Light

A wonderful, hardworking, funny, fair, and kindhearted man passed away on September 15, 2021. That man was my grandpa, Billy E. McElroy. Technically, he was my great-grandpa, but — although he was certainly great — he was always just grandpa.